Daily Schedule


Schedule to make a request for Vipassana Meditation


8.30 am - 05.00 pm Register/Check in.

05.30 pm Evening chanting /listening Dhamma talk.

07.30 pm Make a request for Vipassana Meditation.*

07.45 pm Relaxing, have a drink.

08.00 pm Walking/Sitting Meditation.

09.00 pm Sleep/Rest.


Remarks :

1. * To make a request for Vipassana Meditation at Bhodhipakiyadham Dhamma Hall.

2. Monks, novices yokee and new meditators or those who have had experiences

in other forms of meditation besides Vipassana meditation have to receive a lecture.

2.1 Monks, novices and men have to receive a lecture at interview room in Bhodhipakiyadham Dhamma

Hall 1st floor.

2.2 Women have to receive a lecture at insight meditation hall.


Daily Schedule (Monks / Novices / Yokee / Meditators)


03.30 am Wake-up/ contemplation of routine activities.

04.30 am Morning chanting/ Walking/Sitting Meditation.

06.30 am Breakfast / Awareness of minor activities.

08.30 am Walking/Sitting Meditation.

10.30 am Lunch/ Awareness of minor activities.

12.00 am Rest / Awareness of minor activities.

01.00 pm Walking/Sitting Meditation.

04.00 pm Rest /contemplation of routine activities /Awareness of minor activities.

05.30 pm Evening chanting/listening to Dhamma talk.

07.30 pm Have a drink.

08.00 pm Walking/Sitting Meditation.

09.00 pm Rest / Sleep.


Remarks :

1. 05.30 am Monks go for alms gathering.

2. 09.45 am Monks go for alms gathering at alms place.

3. Schedule meditation interview/progress report (No interviews on Buddhist holy day or Sunday):

8.30 am - 09.45 am Monks / Novices.

02.00 pm - 03.00 pm Yokee / Thai Meditators.

03.00 pm - 04.00 pm Foriegner Meditators.


4. Make a leaving ceremony to the Abbot or the meditation master at 7.30 am. every day.

5. Keep your room or residence or place and area clean and tidy after breakfast and before evening chanting.

6. Schedule can be flexible.